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The New Lines Institute for Strategy and Policy welcomes contributions from diverse experts. Authors who wish to publish with New Lines should examine geopolitically relevant issues, and all pitches and submissions should speak directly to our vision, mission, and principles. Authors should keep in mind the imperatives of the actors involved and the constraints and latitudes they face. In this way, our work can identify for U.S. policymakers (our core target audience) a narrow range of options to choose from to deal with the issue in question. Recommendations must advance policy options for U.S. national security and international stability and should diligently steer clear of any form of ideologically motivated policy advocacy. We do not publish op-ed pieces, polemical content, or activist/advocacy work.
Our aim is to publish reports that cannot be found in other open-source media. Our reports are meant to provide insights that allow policymakers, analysts, and even non-specialists to appreciate the geopolitical nuances of an issue. Beneath our content’s rational, evidence-based rhetoric is a universal, values-based approach to foreign policy analysis that prefers order over chaos and peace over conflict. Our published work privileges good governance, human rights, and people’s active participation in the destiny of their own society without retribution.
Manuscripts submitted for consideration must not be submitted simultaneously to any other publication, nor may they have been previously published elsewhere in any language, online or in print. Submissions must be entirely original works, with sufficient source citations. The New Lines Institute has a zero-tolerance policy toward plagiarism. Authors are responsible for any accusations of research misconduct. The New Lines Institute for Strategy and Policy’s definition of plagiarism includes materials generated in part or wholly by generative AI tools. We will not publish AI-generated text because of potential intellectual property issues along with potential factual inaccuracies, failure to use inclusive language, and other errors. We also will not publish AI-generated images or videos because of the potential legal issues involved.
We accept pitches for the following types of publications:
(Please refer to our Author Guidelines for information on our publication process and style)
Publication One-Pager
As the first step in the publication process, New Lines asks contributors to submit a publication one-pager to outline key aspects of their proposed piece. This document will help the team not only to review your proposed piece but also to prepare for its eventual publication if approved.
We ask that you use this template to fill out our publication one-pager and send it to [email protected]. Team members will review your one-pager and respond with a decision on whether they want to move forward or not. Should the team want to move forward, they will also discuss what type of publication is the best fit, a general timeframe for publication, and outreach plans to reach policymakers.
Please also provide a short bio and links to previous articles you’ve published.
If you are interested in republishing or translating our materials, you must give appropriate credit to New Lines Institute for Strategy and Policy, give credit to the author, and provide a link to the original article at the beginning of your post. For further questions, please contact [email protected].
Strategic Assessment
The Strategic Assessment is published when issues of geopolitical significance for U.S. foreign policy arise. While it responds to a current issue, the Strategic Assessment is neither a report nor an op-ed. Rather, it is a policy essay that captures analysis, forecast, and policy implications in 1,500-1,800 words.
Terrain Analysis
The Terrain Analysis is a graphics-heavy, 2,800- to 3,300-word report that offers a deeper dive into issues of critical geopolitical importance. It balances crucial details with high-level analysis and forecasting to give readers a tactical understanding of a strategic issue. These analyses are geared toward enhancing understanding of issues that otherwise are treated superficially in the media.
Influenced by U.S. government intelligence dossiers, the New Lines Dossier bridges the gap between subject matter expertise and policymaking spaces with an academic-quality, intelligence-style 5,000- to 7,000-word report. Each Dossier takes a deep dive into an under-covered or misunderstood issue or region, contextualizing relevant content within a broader geopolitical context to present detailed, scholarly research and analysis to a policy audience.
Practitioner’s Perspective
Occasionally, we publish thought pieces from select individuals who have had distinguished careers in foreign policy. The Practitioner’s Perspective is more than just analysis; it is designed to impart wisdom based on extensive experience in the field. These pieces are between 1,500-2,000 words.
Policy Report
New Lines Policy Reports go beyond providing key details on topics of interest to provide policy planners and decision makers advice to solve policy problems. In these 7,000- to 8,500-word documents, the bulk of the text is devoted to analysis-driven policy solutions that are distilled from forecasts of what would occur without intervention. Policy Reports should include an executive summary with a bulleted list of highlights from the report, including key policy recommendations. These reports should be well-researched, with sources cited in endnotes written in APA style.
Intelligence Briefing
As a team of analysts tracking key developments in our areas of responsibility, we come across information that is not yet publicly available but is of critical strategic importance. Our Intelligence Briefing is the vehicle through which we bring this hitherto unknown information to the attention of our audiences. Rich in tactical details, these 8,500- to 10,000-word briefings bring to light either newer aspects of issues already in play or entirely new developments. As with Policy Reports, any source citations should be in endnotes written in APA style.