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Master of Arts in Strategy and Policy – Fellowship Program

About New Lines Institute 

In a few short years since its founding in 2020, the New Lines Institute for Strategy and Policy has established itself as a top-tier think tank in the Washington, D.C., policy space.

New Lines Institute experts and scholars are known for their rigorous analysis, forecasts, and actionable policy recommendations on current and emerging global issues. They are widely sought out by U.S. government officials, quoted in international media, published in leading outlets, and featured in prominent international forums.

Named as one of the “Best New Think Tanks” by the University of Pennsylvania’s annual global ranking, the New Lines Institute seeks to shape foreign policy based on a deep understanding of regional geopolitics and value systems.

Our Mission in Action

The New Lines Institute aims to produce the next generation of foreign policy practitioners to help decision makers craft policies that can meet the national security challenges of the 21st century. The work we do is rooted in the belief that understanding the unique context and worldviews of other nations is imperative as we craft policies toward them. We have seen how ignoring these realities has resulted in catastrophic policy failures in past decades. In a global environment that is more complicated than ever, policy cannot afford to be superficial or inward-looking. The effectiveness of any U.S. policy depends on how others experience and process it.

About the Master of Arts in Strategy and Policy – Fellowship Program

Unlike with other fields such as law, medicine, or engineering, there is no established pathway for students pursuing degrees in international affairs to begin a career in the foreign and national security policy fields. In light of this, the New Lines Institute has launched the Master of Arts in Strategy and Policy – Fellowship Program as a focused and intensive training regimen. This program is specifically designed to equip aspiring policy professionals with the tradecraft and outlook they need to launch successful careers in international affairs.

The immersive program combines traditional master’s-level academic instruction with applied research and analysis under the supervision of our scholars and specialists in a fellowship program. Students will conduct strategic analysis, craft policy papers, effectively communicate their work to different audiences through a variety of media, and learn how to engage in policy as global citizens in a rapidly evolving world.

Unlike typical graduate degrees or internship tracks, the New Lines Master of Arts in Strategy and Policy is an intensive 12-month apprenticeship program that goes beyond traditional study, imparting students with sharp analytical skills based on an institutional analytical methodology drawn from a variety of disciplines. They will produce a portfolio of professional-grade writing and acquire the skills to disseminate it. Working directly alongside New Lines Institute staff, they will participate directly in the design and implementation of analysis, publications, and outreach to policymakers.

Critical to success in the high-intensity foreign policy space is developing and nurturing a robust network of contacts. With our location in the heart of the policy community in Washington, D.C., students will have unparalleled access to and the ability to network with veteran foreign policy and national security professionals, diplomats, policymakers, and thought leaders in government agencies; at think tanks, embassies, and universities; and in the media. Our graduates will have a head start in the lifelong design and maintenance of their professional networks.

How It Works – Schedule and Expectations

The Master of Arts in Strategy and Policy – Fellowship Program will begin in June 2024. This year-long regimen will comprise one course per month. Courses will involve required readings, mandatory in-person attendance (not virtual), and writing assignments as outlined in each course syllabus. In addition, students will fulfill a residency requirement working directly with Institute staff in various types of think tank work including research, writing, outreach, and engagement.

Analytical topics will include multiple areas of global geopolitics – especially those that the Institute focuses on, including counterterrorism, interstate conflict, energy security, atrocities and international law, climate transition, emerging technologies, non-state actors, gender policy, and grand strategy. Special guest instructors will include veterans of foreign policy, national security, diplomacy, and defense.

Sample course titles include:

  • Decision Making in U.S. Foreign and National Security Policy
  • Global Citizenship and Social Impact
  • Strategic Analysis for an Interconnected World
  • Disruptions of Orders

The core of this experience is the residency requirement, a part-time internship that rotates participants through duties working with different scholars , areas of focus, and think tank functions to maximize their exposure to different topics in and elements of policy work. Classes and internships will be hosted at New Lines Institute offices in downtown Washington, D.C., in proximity to the bulk of the city’s think tanks. Students will be required to attend in person most days of the week.


The Master of Arts in Strategy and Policy – Fellowship Program is highly selective. Please refer to the Program Overview to find out more about it and how it fits with your professional vision and aspirations. We also invite you to contact us and speak to one of our scholars featured here about your interests and goals and identify a potential match with your priorities. We take pride not only in the strong intellectual appeal of the program but also in its clear and compelling relevance to your career in the competitive world of foreign policy.

Ready to apply?

Click here to start your online application form. Please note that the deadline for submitting application materials for the June 2024 starting date is May 1, 2024

Admissions Requirements

Application Form: All applicants must submit a fully completed online application form. Incomplete applications will not be considered for admission until all necessary information has been received by the Admissions Office.

Minimum Education Requirements: All applicants must provide evidence of an undergraduate (bachelor’s) degree or higher awarded by an educational institution located in the United States that is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or an educational institution located outside the United States that is accredited or similarly acknowledged by an agency deemed acceptable at the discretion of the institute. Unofficial transcripts may be submitted in the application process, but official transcripts must be received for a student to be fully admitted to the program. There is no formal cutoff for a GPA; rather, a candidate’s transcript will be viewed in a holistic manner as one part of the overall application.

Applicants submitting international education credentials must provide an official course-by-course evaluation from a member of Association of International Credential Evaluators (AICE), or a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) to validate equivalency with graduation from an undergraduate or graduate program and eligibility to be admitted in graduate program in university in the United States. If transcripts from the institution are issued in a foreign language as well as in English, applicants will only be required to submit the English version.

Character and Experiential Readiness: The Institute is looking for committed students who wish to be changemakers and innovators who make a positive impact on the world around them. To understand an applicant’s potential, the following must be provided:

Statement of Purpose: Each applicant is expected to write a statement of purpose, which includes two parts. While there is no specific word limit, we recommend that the statement be at least 500-1,000 words and double-spaced. Avoid vague responses, as this may not provide a full picture of the committee reviewing your materials. Also remember that your statement of purpose and any other written documents represent you on paper, so you should proofread your work. Make sure your name is included in the statement.

The applicant should thoroughly respond to the following prompt:

Explain your motivation for pursuing the Master or Arts in Strategy and Policy at New Lines Institute.

Why have you chosen a career in foreign policy?

What have you done to develop that passion academically or otherwise?

How will this program advance your goals?

Argument: In 1,000 words or fewer, identify and analyze what you consider to be the primary threat to global security and why. What short- and long-term approaches would you suggest to best mitigate the threat?

Resume/CV: Applicants must submit a current version of their resume or CV in any format that might be used for a traditional job search. We recognize that there are a variety of global templates for CVs, as well as levels of experience with creating one. While customary in some settings, please do not include your photo, date of birth, gender, marital status, or other similarly protected statuses, as these are not used as a basis for admission. Minimally provide your prior work experience, education level, and any relevant skills.

Letters of Recommendation: Provide two letters of recommendation from individuals who can speak to your unique qualities and ability to be a changemaker. At least one should be from someone qualified to speak about your academic performance.

Interview: Meet with a member of the admissions team to discuss your aspirations and expectations and gauge your fit with the program.

Government Issued Identification: Provide a scan or photocopy of a government-issued photo identification (for example, a passport or state issued license). Upon admittance and before the first day of class, students must present this official legal document to their admissions officer to verify the student’s identity.

English Proficiency: Applicants must demonstrate college readiness as evidenced by a demonstration of English proficiency.

Enrollment Agreement: Applicants must read, understand, and agree to the terms of the enrollment agreement.

Optional: Applicants who wish to supply more information about their application, including any of the following, can do so to supplement their materials:

a. Applicants may request an interview to address any other items that may not already be evident from the documents submitted.

b. If you faced difficulties or circumstances that might help the admissions committee to understand your transcript(s) or grades from your prior education, please submit a statement explaining these circumstances.

c. Submit a portfolio of work that you have done that might enhance our understanding of your professional abilities. This could include materials created as part of your work experience, special projects that you worked on as part of your employment, or other similar items.

d. Submit a portfolio of academic work that you have done that might enhance our understanding of your academic abilities. This could include materials created as part of your high school experience, including any special projects that you may have participated in.

If you have any questions or would like additional information, please email us at [email protected].

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