How Digital Twin Technology Can Curb Supply Chain Disruptions During Conflicts
Real-time modeling can help governments and businesses be proactive.
Prof. Chaouki Ghenai is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow for Energy Strategy and Policy at the New Lines Institute. He oversees new energy initiatives for New Lines Institute, including: Future and Innovative Energy Technologies, Geopolitics of Energy Transformation, Clean Energy Financing, New Energy Policies, and Sustainable Energy and Society. Prof. Ghenai is among the world top 2% Scientist in the Energy Field (Mechanical Engineering and Transport – Enabling & Strategic Technologies). He received his PhD and master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Orleans University, Orleans, France, and bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Constantine University, Constantine, Algeria. He has more than 25 years of research experience in the energy field and management of Clean Energy Research Programs and Research Funding: University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE; Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida; Applied Research Centre, Miami, Florida; University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas; Cornel University, Ithaca, New York; and National Research Council, Italy.
Prof. Ghenai has published more than 200 research papers in technical journals, book chapters, and books. His research interests are renewable energy (bioenergy, solar, wind, and fuel cell); energy efficiency (building, transportation, industry); clean energy transition; decarbonization, digitalization and decentralization of the energy systems; combustion (solid, liquid an gas fuels); alternative and renewable fuels (biogas, syngas, bio-oil, biodiesel, hydrogen); clean combustion technologies; waste to energy (pyrolysis, gasification, anaerobic digestion); micro gird power systems; air pollution; sustainability; eco-design; energy-water nexus; energy planning and climate change mitigation assessment; energy and geopolitics; energy policies; energy business and sustainable energy and society.
Real-time modeling can help governments and businesses be proactive.
The island’s almost complete reliance on imported energy makes the power-hungry sector vulnerable to disruption. To reduce the risk to Taiwan’s economy, and the worldwide tech supply chain, government policy and industry practices must evolve.
Bottlenecks in the flow of materials crucial to green energy technologies could derail the global transition to low-carbon energy, making development of sustainable alternatives essential.
The proliferation and growing sophistication of UAVs puts the ability to wreak havoc within anyone’s reach, making addressing security vulnerabilities in energy systems imperative.